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ALSDE Compliance Monitoring Checklist
ALSDE Compliance Monitoring Checklist
Sarah Ann Evans avatar
Written by Sarah Ann Evans
Updated over a week ago

The following list is the Compliance Monitoring Checklist, as determined by the Alabama State Department of Education.

System/School Safety Planning Committee

  • Principal

  • Assistant Principal

  • Child Nutrition/Cafeteria Manager

  • Transportation Bus Driver

  • Maintenance/Custodian

  • Counselor

  • Nursing/Health Services

  • Regular Education Teacher

  • Special Education Teacher

  • Faculty (EL)

  • Faculty (P.E./Coach)

  • EMA Representative

  • Law Enforcement

  • Fire Department

Incident Command System Roles

  • Incident Commander (3 deep)

  • Liaison Officer (3 deep)

  • Public Information Officer (3 deep)

  • Safety Officer (3 deep)

  • Operations Section Chief

  • Site Facility Check/Security

  • Search and Rescue Team (S&R) Leader

  • S&R Team #1 Member

  • S&R Team #2 Member

  • Medical Team Leader

  • Triage

  • Treatment

  • Psychological First Aid

  • Morgue

  • Student Care Director

  • Student Release Coordinator

  • Planning Section Chief

  • Documentation

  • Situation Analysis

  • Logistics Section Chief

  • Supplies/Facilities

  • Staffing

  • Communications

  • Finance/Administration Section Chief

  • Timekeeping

  • Purchasing

List of Materials and Equipment

  • Food

  • Water

  • Medical (First Aid)

  • Medical (AED)

  • Medical (Medications)

  • Emergency Communication Devices (Radios, Cell, Bullhorn, etc.)

Basic Resources Needed

  • EMA Director Name, Telephone Number

  • Tools

  • Food and Blankets

  • Food and Blankets

  • Medical Supplies

  • Recovery (Counseling/Mental Health/Public Health)

Hazard Specific Annexes

  • Identification of Hazard (School Grounds)

  • Identification of Hazard (Classroom)

  • Identification of Hazard (Along Evacuation Routes)

  • Identification of Hazard (Neighborhoods & Communities)

  • Analysis of Identified Hazards

Emergency Telephone List

  • Superintendent

  • Assistant Superintendent

  • Central Office Safety Coordinator

  • Transportation Supervisor

  • Maintenance Supervisor

  • Chief Financial Officer

  • CNP Supervisor (Central Office)

  • Nurse Supervisor (Central Office) or Lead Nurse

  • Central Office Counselor Supervisor

  • EL Coordinator

  • Central Office Special Office Coordinator

  • Emergency Management (EMA)

  • Law Enforcement (City)

  • Law Enforcement (County)

  • Law Enforcement (State)

  • Local Hospital

  • Fire Department

  • Social Services (Public Health)

  • Social Services (Mental Health)

  • Public Works (Water)

  • Public Works (Electrical)

  • Public Works (Gas)

  • Public Works (Communication)

  • Principal

  • Assistant Principal

  • Secretary

  • Bookkeeper (School)

  • CNP Manager (School)

  • Nurse (School)

  • School Counselor

  • Custodian

  • Faculty (Regular Ed.)

  • Faculty (P.E./Coach)

  • Faculty (EL)

  • Faculty (Special Ed.)

  • Board of Education Chair (Optional)

  • Local Board Member (Optional)

  • Bus Driver (Evacuation) (Optional)

  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)(Optional) (911)

  • Superintendent Secretary (Optional)

  • Board of Education Legal (Optional)

  • Nurse Supervisor (Central Office)

  • Public Information Officer

  • Technology Coordinator

Functional Annexes Emergency Procedures

  • Athletic Activities/ Extracurricular/ After School Activities

  • Crisis Management - Evacuation Transportation

  • Crisis Management - Parent-Child Relocation

  • Crisis Management - Parent-Child Reunification

  • Crisis Management - Recovery

  • Communication

  • Evacuation

  • Lockdown

  • Secure Perimeter

  • Shelter-In-Place

Annual Multi-Drill Response Report

  • Seasonal Severe Weather Drill Response Report

  • Seasonal Severe Weather Drill Response Report

  • Code Red Safety Drill Response Report

  • Code Red Safety Drill Response Report

  • Annual Training for School Safety Plans

  • Annual Training for Child Abuse/Neglect

  • Annual Training for Student Harassment

  • Erin's Law

  • Jason Flatt Act

  • Annual Safety Plan Review

  • Fire Drill Response Report

  • Annual School Safety Audit (Hazard Assessment)

  • Other


  • Staging Areas

    • Parents Staging Area

    • Media Staging Area

    • Helicopter Landing Zone

    • Medical Staging Area

    • Emergency Bus Pickup

    • Fire Evacuation Staging Area/Bomb Staging Area

    • Severe Weather Staging Area

  • Emergency Equipment

    • ABC Dry Chemical

    • Fire Hydrant

    • AED

    • Gas Shutoff Valve

    • Master Electrical Breaker

    • Water Shutoff Valve

  • Labs and Custodial Closets

    • Hazardous Material

  • Utility Lines on Campus

    • Gas Lines

    • Power Lines Overhead/Power Lines Underground

    • Water Lines

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